Saturday, April 14, 2012

Productive Week

Beached, ate all the good food in Miami, and hung out with my beeestie.  Now he's back to new york city again :(  But!  it was nice to catch him twice in four months, haha.

btw, never go to the bar called "the bar" in coral gables.  ever.  seriously.  don't do it.  what a bunch of jerks.  I got pulled outside by my friends and separated from my boyfriend.  He had opened a tab, but when he noticed I was missing, he came to find me.  However, he hadn't closed his tab first.  They wouldn't let us back in to close the tab and told us to get in the back of the line. when we finally managed to get inside, they had lost his credit card.  Terrible people who run their business in a great way to lose customers.  It's not even like they're some hot shit club on South Beach that can pull that nonsense.  They're just some dingy bar in Coral Gables that is dead 6/7 nights of the week.  Get over yourselves, for serious.


  1. omg they lost the card?!? (you probably told me that on the ride home but obviously I forgot) it sucks that that happened to all of us because i was actually having fun until we went outside, and the whole "get to the back of the line" was not cool.

    1. somebody actually stole it as it turns out because Lawrence had a bunch of fraudulent charges when we called to cancel it the next day.
