Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kitten + Duvet

A while ago, when Missoni for Target was all the rage, I managed to snag myself a duvet and a shower curtain.  I wasn't actually interested in any of the clothes, but I thought the housewares were too adorable to resist.  Besides, I don't think if I were going to buy a real missoni item it would be one of their fantastically overpriced housewares.  It's not like I'm going to spend my $450 on a Missoni beach towel...

Though I do love this table:

Normally, a Missoni bedspread costs $1,460, apparently.

But, back to the duvet.  My boyfriend and I had sort of agreed that we would save it for when we lived somewhere nicer and not our current hot mess of an apartment, but lately our down comforter has just been too hot for him, even with the temperature down to 67 degrees.  In response, I switched to the other comforter, but its duvet was obviously in need of some cleaning.  So I threw on the target duvet.  Minka seemed to like it, at least.

and a couple of gratuitous minka shots:

I particularly like that last one.


I swear this all started out because of the duvet.

As far as the quality goes on the duvet, I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the duvet was.  I was expecting low quality- you know, it being target and a designer item at a "low-end" price.  The colors are very rich and it doesn't feel like I'm being scratched when I touch it, either.

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